Thursday, August 28, 2014

2 Steps Forward, 1 Step Back

We got lucky when we dug the basement real rock.  That luck ran out yesterday when they started digging the trench for the electrical service. Rock, ROCK, ROCK!!

Here's what they found.......

So out come the chippers!
And here are some of the big chunks they were able to get out!
Oh well, ya gotta have power.....RIGHT??  :)

Friday, August 15, 2014

And digging begins.....

We made a lot of progress this week with views opened up and, drumroll please.......we have  a basement!

We also got lucky and only had this humble amount of rock to deal blasting required. No doubt there will be other places to spend that money!

Say hello to our little friend.......

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The trees are down and the grading begins!


The bulldozers came out in force today to pull out the stumps, level the garage area, and start the grading before digging the foundation.

The Dozers were doing their stuff!


But Connor wasn't sure the dozer wasn't coming for him!

The dozers pushing the stumps down the hill and out of the way.
This'll be the view from our back porch!